State Rep. Thomas Kutz | Pennsylvania 87th Legislative District
State Rep. Thomas Kutz | Pennsylvania 87th Legislative District
Rep. Thomas Kutz will host a breakfast event to honor veterans, active-duty military personnel, and their families residing in the 87th Legislative District. The event is scheduled for Friday, November 1, from 8:00 to 9:30 a.m., at the Lower Allen VFW Post 7530 in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania.
The breakfast will feature Rep. Zach Mako as the keynote speaker. Mako has been serving with the Pennsylvania National Guard since 2008 and has an extensive military background. He served as a Chinook helicopter pilot during his deployment to Afghanistan in 2012 for Operation Enduring Freedom. In addition, he was chosen in 2016 to advise Estonia's top military officials and later deployed to the Middle East for Operation Freedom’s Sentinel.
Katelin Morrison can be contacted for media inquiries at 717-260-6502 or via email at