Estée Janssens︳Unsplash
Estée Janssens︳Unsplash
Explore the World with Tracy!
Adventurers and travelers! Don't miss out! Bosler Library is proud to present a 3-part author series beginning this April! Travel Author Tracy Pawelski will present on April 5 in-person at Bosler on her travels through Spain and on April 6 over Zoom about her time spent in the Himalayas. Tracy's final author talk will take place in-person at Bosler on May 3, chronicling her travels in Ireland. **All events will be held at 7pm and are FREE but REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED**
Tracy is an adventure traveler, preferring destinations out of the mainstream and activities that make your heart thump. She has published travel articles on these adventures and written two books about walking across Spain on El Camino de Santiago and trekking the Annapurna Circuit in Nepal. Tracy regularly speaks to audiences large and small about her books, travels and trekking, and women in leadership.
April 5 registration:
Explore the World with Tracy!
Date and Time
Wednesday Apr 5, 2023
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM EDT
Bosler Memorial Library
FREE but registration required
Contact Information
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Original source can be found here.