
Cumberland Valley News

Friday, March 14, 2025

How many inmates were incarcerated in Cumberland County during December 2022?

Webp 26edited

In Cumberland County 577 inmates were incarcerated in December 2022, a 0.9 percent increase over the month before, according to the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections.

Tyler G. Burns, a 17-year-old, was the youngest inmate incarcerated in Cumberland County in December 2022.

Elwood Clayton Williard was the oldest at 86-years-old.

Incarceration rates in Pennsylvania have increased dramatically, imprisoning more than seven times the number of people in 2019 than in 1970.

Sentencing practices in Pennsylvania were found to have overwhelmingly impacted people of color.

Inmates in Cumberland County in December 2022

Aaron William Fisk33
Aaron William Fisk32
Adam John Trump37
Adam John Trump36
Adam W. Pittman36
Adam W. Pittman35
Alan Joseph Sheaffer39
Alberto Rodriguez-Rivera31
Alberto Alfonso Mancebo66
Alex Jameson Kennedy32
Alex Jameson Kennedy32
Alfred Ray Ward50
Amanda Reph42
Anas Fikry27
Anas Fikry27
Andrea Renee Dumas37
Andrei D. Burkett29
Andrei D. Burkett29
Andrew Alan Angle33
Andrew Anthony Marszalek23
Andrew Jeffrey Murray30
Andrew Paul Smith40
Andrew Vaughn Pierson32
Andrzej S. Baran43
Angel Ralph Nieves44
Anthony Dwayne Cobb61
Anthony J. Rizzo43
Anthony L. Wise58
Anthony Rodriguez Luna36
Anthony Wayne Fickes32
Anton Staab28
Anton Staab27
Antwoyn L. Neal21
Antwoyn L. Neal20
Antyane Robinson51
April Renee Phillips41
Arthur Leroy Wolfe54
Ashley Burkett34
Atelvage Lloyd Bailey28
Atelvage Lloyd Bailey27
Austin Texas Kelley24
Auston Richard Luster27
Barry Antoine Nelson32
Barry Ellis Wilkinson57
Benjamin Barrett Spessler44
Benjamin Barrett Spessler43
Benjamin Kato Irvin29
Bernard S. Appel29
Bernardo Edmundo Lizardo23
Bernardo Edmundo Lizardo23
Beth Ann Markman54
Bilal Lee Watts40
Blaine Mason Norris43
Blair F. Brown61
Blake Thomas Morris26
Bradley Eckard31
Bradley R. Ulco37
Bradley S. Boore33
Bradley S. Boore32
Brandon Darron Wright46
Brandon Lee Stains32
Brandon Luis Vega25
Brandon Richard Mathna26
Brandon Richard Mathna25
Brant Scott Cromer38
Brenton E. Alleman68
Brett Ashley Gilbert41
Brian McKenzie27
Brian David Etchberger54
Brian Jeffrey Weimer43
Brian Jeffrey Weimer43
Brian Leroy Wagner34
Brian R. Hippensteel57
Brian R. Hippensteel56
Brian Roger Fahnestock55
Brian Roger Fahnestock54
Brian Thomas Trimble45
Brian Thomas Trimble45
Brittany Alysia Witherite32
Bryan David Fried53
Bryan Keith Weldon40
Bryant Glessner32
Bryant Glessner32
Calvin Glenn Garrett59
Calvin Paul Smith21
Candice Marie Staruh38
Carl William Sachette80
Carlton Lamar King49
Carlton Lamar King46
Cassidy Cadeaux33
Cassidy Cadeaux33
Cedric Lamont Daniels48
Chad Allen Shearer40
Chad Franklin Link37
Charles Mckinley Cook28
Charles Webster Hinton28
Charles Webster Hinton28
Chris Alan Neil52
Christian Davon Conway29
Christian Davon Conway28
Christine Marie Frater37
Christopher A. Taylor35
Christopher Allen Seigle29
Christopher Jaquell Williams29
Christopher Michael Wells40
Christopher Vincent Leone35
Christopher Vincent Leone35
Christopher W. Reed52
Christopher W. Reed51
Clarence Quay Shaffer60
Clinton Gray37
Cody Joseph Hobble23
Colin Cory Wilson28
Collin Miller27
Colton Matthew Hardy30
Connie Marie Clifton43
Corey Palson30
Cortlyn V. Johnson36
Cortlyn V. Johnson35
Cory Andrew Satterly29
Cory James Stetter24
Cory Lee Arnold28
Craig Ryan Hines21
Dane Christian Harbold27
Daniel Alfredo Negron-Rosario34
Daniel Henry Giorgione41
Daniel William Dayhoff39
Daroll Lynn Greenslade London38
Daryl Stephen Brady46
Dave Luther Kendrick33
David Angel Dalmacy26
David Arthur Wilkinson40
David Arthur Wilkinson40
David Edward Marshall-Glenn35
David Joe Wright58
David Joe Wright58
David Lee Barclay67
David Lee Barclay67
David Lee Thomas66
David Michael Beech39
David Ryan Koker27
David Scott Irvin30
David Tyrone Johnson50
David VAN Brown44
David VAN Brown43
Davon Marcel Duiguid35
Davon Marcel Duiguid35
Dawn Tamika Johnson48
Deontre Dennis Goss28
Derek Alan Weigle30
Derick D. Wood43
Derrick Lamar Charles26
Derrick Lamar Charles25
Derrick Lee Yohe32
Deven Tyler Kohr28
Deven Tyler Kohr27
Devin Thomas Cooper28
Diane Marie Weaver70
Dillan Matthew Frey28
Dolphus Otis Fudge66
Dolphus Otis Fudge65
Domingo Vazquez23
Domingo Vazquez23
Dominic Charles Gaito22
Dominic Charles Gaito22
Donald Eugene Wiles63
Donald Eugene Wiles63
Donald Keith Carr29
Donald L. Kriegsman50
Donald P. Deihl39
Donald P. Deihl39
Donnie D. Dozier50
Dontae Dion Chambers38
Dru Michael Failor26
Dustin Allen Metzger27
Dustin Allen Metzger27
Dustin Yoottana Leinbach32
Earl David Shumaker50
Earl David Shumaker50
Earl Linwood Stoneberger40
Earl Warren Arter52
Edelwardo Vazquez31
Edward Alexander McCreath35
Edward Alexander McCreath35
Elijah Franklin Whitworth34
Elmer Charles Green56
Elvis Yampiel Burgos-Correa32
Elvis Yampiel Burgos-Correa32
Elwood Clayton Williard86
Emmett M. Lockhart52
Eric Whistler33
Eric Whistler33
Eric Andrew Chambers37
Eric Guy Talbot39
Eric J. Piper45
Eric Kenneth Jones51
Eric Marino Airesman35
Eric Todd Burlison38
Erick John Hale46
Erle Steve Schlusser27
Eugene R. George27
Evan Jerome Sonich24
Evan Jerome Sonich24
Favian Dion Padilla32
Favian Dion Padilla32
Federico Luis Martinez41
Felix Jose Inoa-Fana29
Franklin John Lynch36
Gary Alan Cartwright37
Gary Alan Cartwright37
Gary Dean Barrick57
Gary Dean Barrick56
George Joseph Stclair63
Gerald Frank Rohrer48
Gerald Michael Rowles63
Gilbert Huerta Arteaga68
Gilberto Garbriel Merced33
Gilberto Garbriel Merced32
Grady Samuel Voigt53
Gregory Pimentel23
Gregory Wayne Baker36
Harold James Dixon30
Henry Allen Newton52
Henry Louis Tanguay25
Herman Armolt44
Herman Armolt43
Ira P. Hyde26
Ira Scott Task67
Ira Scott Task66
Israel David Alston55
Israel David Cuevas-Pedraza34
Jabree Tyheed Traynham26
Jack Andrew Schell-Naylor38
Jack Andrew Schell-Naylor37
Jack N. Waulk54
James A. Borwegen37
James Alan Kunkel28
James Bruce Fulton40
James Edward Greenland43
James K. Devins48
James K. Devins48
James L. Lippart47
James M. Cosgrove57
James Q. Dodson33
James Q. Dodson32
James R. Robinson54
James Ray Brenneman25
James Walter Ainsworth26
Jason David Scott39
Jason Eugene Chastain34
Jason Eugene Chastain34
Jason Eugene Hockley30
Jason Neil Shughart38
Java Ellis Haskins30
Javon Richard Eberly20
Jay Allen Hench62
Jay C. Jones55
Jayre L. Jackson25
Jeanne L. Bear30
Jeffrey Johnson53
Jeffrey Lee Kibe67
Jeffrey Lynn Dupy30
Jeffrey Wayne Baker45
Jeffrey Wayne Baker44
Jennifer Ordaz38
Jeremi Andrew Kanneg33
Jeremiah Marquise Detwiler24
Jeremy Carbaugh35
Jeremy Allen Gibb36
Jerrel Maurice Thompson39
Jessica Lea Hostetter39
Jessica Lea Hostetter39
Jimmy Andrew Scott Lane34
Joel Marrero37
Joel Paugh32
Joel Paugh31
Joey D. Hoffman38
Joey D. Hoffman38
John Andrew Freet51
John F. Loftus62
John Hunter Christlieb24
John Michael Mower32
John Regis McMullen29
John Robert Thompson45
John Root Hopkins60
John Roy Stoner39
John Tyler Howard-Bee27
John Vincent Waters55
John William Williams51
John William Williams50
Jonathan David Fisher38
Jonathan Karl Hiester53
Jordan O'Berry29
Jordan O'Berry28
Jordan Anthony Douglas27
Jose Vincent Bonilla38
Jose Vincent Bonilla38
Joseph Longmire41
Joseph Longmire41
Joseph Anthony Payne-Casiano29
Joseph David Brissey56
Joseph Edward Friary57
Joseph G. Bertothy71
Joseph Michael Ghaffaar27
Joshua Anthony Kessler42
Joshua Boyd Hileman36
Joshua Boyd Hileman35
Joshua Leo Diehl44
Joshua Matthew Powley32
Joshua Michael Nye38
Judith Ann Hockenberry37
Justin Randall38
Justin Randall38
Justin Dean Blazer30
Justin Eugene Lloyd36
Justin Lamont Thompson42
Justin N. McCraw34
Justin Patrick Radle31
Justine Nicole Adams33
Kanisha A. Godbee24
Katelyn Rae Stine27
Kaysean Jamal Smith27
Kaysean Jamal Smith26
Keith Linzey45
Kendall M. Guider28
Kendrick Jermane Holloway48
Kenneth James Clark50
Kenneth Lee Yorty78
Kenneth Marcellus Riley-Brown31
Kerry Gathan Sawyers29
Kevin D. Leaks28
Keyshawn Cooks23
Lakrissta A. Vines22
Latacha Marie Sokol39
Latif Meholli34
Laurie L. Leisher37
Lee William Golden53
Lee William Golden52
Leeroy Quiros-Correa29
Lesley Bittinger37
Lewis A. Manzano43
Louis Greenley59
Louis Greenley59
Luis Antonio Rodriguez31
Luis Ines Pedroso24
Lynzey Kerine Lawyer31
Manuel Alexander Rodriguez40
Marcus Fludd35
Marcus Fludd35
Mark Jante62
Mark Brooks Clegg52
Mark Brooks Clegg52
Mark Newton Spotz49
Martin James Lynn43
Matthew Fritz34
Matthew David Myers33
Matthew James Geyer35
Matthew James Sheaffer26
Matthew James Sheaffer26
Matthew Lee Gorbea27
Matthew Lee Gorbea26
Matthew Ryan Smith31
Matthew T. Norris40
Maurice Lafayette Williams26
Michael Andrew Noll55
Michael Andrew Noll55
Michael E. Poet40
Michael Edward Neumann56
Michael Edward Neumann56
Michael Eugene Ridley34
Michael Franklin Bias35
Michael Franklin Bias34
Michael James Fetter54
Michael James Fetter53
Michael James Leftwich45
Michael Joseph Curran32
Michael Joseph Davis67
Michael Laverne Heberlig52
Michael Laverne Heberlig51
Michael Scott Bell53
Michael Scott Schock32
Michael Wayne Benson32
Mohammad Zakir Rafati30
Mohammad Zakir Rafati30
Nathaniel McNair59
Neftali Gonzalez-Crespo40
Nevin G. Sweger69
Nicholas Albert Pracht56
Nicholas Lee Malone33
Nicholas Ryan Odonnell21
Nikki Lynn McKee33
Nolan Michael Burke32
Nygel Leeland Jenkins24
Ozzie Lee Lewis45
Patrick A. McKibben33
Patrick A. McKibben32
Paul Arthur Tolbert62
Paul Arthur Tolbert61
Paul Donald Whisner38
Paul Donald Whisner37
Phares Alrix Barnhill46
Phares Alrix Barnhill46
Phillip Leon Devenshire48
Phillip Suano Wagner39
Rafael Angel Rivera52
Ralph William Herrold65
Raymond Pugsley72
Raymond Dewitt Durden57
Raymond Paul Buhrow69
Raymond Paul Buhrow69
Rayshawn J. Swanson29
Rebecca R. Heckendorn37
Rebecca R. Heckendorn37
Richard A. Hodge54
Richard Anthony Scarlett48
Richard Anthony Scarlett47
Richard L. Black23
Richard L. Kenner40
Richard Lee Bleyer40
Richard Lynn Boone63
Richard S. Sichula40
Richard W. Gibbs79
Ricky L. Miller45
Ricky L. Miller44
Rigoberto Nunez40
Robby Lee Zoller52
Robert Anthony Bruno28
Robert Anthony Bruno28
Robert Brian Manning59
Robert Brian Marley59
Robert Emanuel Jackson55
Robert Emanuel Jackson54
Robert Eugene Shoop54
Robert Gregory Davis51
Robert J. Funk31
Robert J. Funk30
Robert L. Coles41
Robert Lee Anderson43
Robert Lee Woodall57
Robert Mark Opanel42
Robert Spooner Smith45
Robert Stephone Gilmore25
Robert Tirrelle Carey27
Robert Wayne Brown79
Rodrigo M. Alvarado51
Rodrigo M. Alvarado50
Roger Lee Morrison35
Roger Wayne Ellis31
Roman S. Avadiaev49
Ronald Boardley59
Ronald Frank74
Ronald Frank73
Ronald Sperry60
Ronald Elijah Howard41
Ronald Eugene Snowberger49
Ronald Jason Stoudt43
Ronnie Eugene Johnson40
Ronnie Lee Brown50
Ryan Edward Varner36
Ryan Eugene Hinkle31
Ryan J. West28
Sadeek Atori Anderson25
Sadeek Atori Anderson25
Sadiq Taj-elijah Beasley31
Salina Munson39
Samuel James Johnson47
Sandra Hood Kraly52
Satcheria Joh McLaughlin28
Satcheria Joh McLaughlin28
Scott E. Smith44
Scott E. Smith44
Scott Lynwood Anderson52
Sean Paul Engle38
Sean Paul Engle38
Seifullah Abdul-Salaam50
Sergio Edward Barr46
Shabazz Adair Borders24
Shane Allen Winters26
Shane Alvin Geedy52
Shane Alvin Geedy51
Shante Bruce Rice27
Shaquille K. Burnette27
Shawn Darnell Veney30
Shawn Dwayne Nellons43
Shawn Maurice Hairston34
Skiler Adam Boose31
Slate Joesph Trimmer30
Somwang Laos Kakhankham31
Stanley Eugene Richwine69
Stanley Eugene Richwine69
Stanley Lee Mosley48
Stephanie Vinice Scott43
Stephanie Vinice Scott42
Steve Mitchell61
Steven Johnson63
Steven McCartney32
Steven Dale Prejean66
Steven Dale Prejean65
Steven Devon Greenfield53
Steven Eugene Irvin56
Steven L. Bender57
Steven Roger Brungard71
Susan Beth Fitzgerald55
Sylvester Stallone Anderson35
Taunses Bernard Robinson32
Tawnya M. Kramer40
Terrance Ebo34
Terrel L. Floyd45
Terrel L. Floyd44
Terrence Devone Twyman39
Terry Francis Kiessling59
Terry Francis Kiessling58
Terry Lee Gettys29
Thaiwin Eugene Reid44
Theodore John Solano63
Theodore John Solano62
Thomas Payne53
Thomas Martin Baldwin29
Thomas Martin Baldwin28
Thomas R. Ford36
Thomas R. Ford36
Tiffany L. Garrison33
Timothy Ira Ray50
Tionie Marie Gottshall35
Tionie Marie Gottshall34
Todd Allen Cleland52
Todd Allen Cleland51
Todd Michael Keller39
Todd Michael Keller38
Todd Pierre Davenport39
Tory Allen Beam26
Tory Allen Beam25
Tory Levon Godfrey43
Travis E. Kelley40
Travis John Reale24
Travis Justin Kane45
Travis Scott Milburn29
Tremaine Christophe Harris35
Tremaine Christophe Harris34
Trevor Eli Ringgold33
Troy M. Myers49
Troy M. Myers48
Tyfeek H. Carter24
Tyler Brett Palson31
Tyler G. Burns18
Tyler G. Burns17
Tyler Girard Jarmuzek23
Tyler Girard Jarmuzek23
Tyler Mitchell Bradshaw28
Tyler Mitchell Bradshaw27
Tyrie R. Miller35
Tyrone Richard Allen28
Tyson Zachariah Loy41
Vincent Akill Daniels40
Vincent Lee Flemister33
Wallace Arnell Holley43
Wayne Eugene Palmer36
Wendy Moseman52
Wesley D. Minnich36
Wilbur Cyrus Brown59
Wilbur Cyrus Brown58
William MacKneer79
William MacKneer78
William Chandler Byers-Augusta24
William D. Spraglin37
William D. Spraglin36
William Howard Housman44
William J. Daugherty26
William John Hooten41
William Lee Simms48
William P. Moody38
Zachary Aaron Way35
Zachary Alexander McClain33
Zachary Alexander McClain32
Zachary Scott Thompson23
Zachary Stephen Towner20
Zachary T. Porter31


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